What's more likely is getting doxxed - someone taking your information such as your IP and location and sharing it on the internet or even just the in-game chat.
Still, security is important, and even a slither of a risk of that happening shouldn't be there. Now, the likelihood of someone paying you a visit to do any harm is so rare, it's barely worth bringing up - it's one of those horror stories you've no doubt heard, but the chance of it ever happening is next to none. Searching my own, I can see that it gets my city right and even my postcode right. The more pertinent issue is that with an IP address, all you have to do is slip onto Google and search it to find a player's location. In those cases, it's unlikely they can do anything to your internet like shutting it down or overloading it. Now, granted - a lot of these so-called 'hackers' are just players with a paid mod-menu using its functionality to grab something that Rockstar hasn't concealed well at all. It's easier to cheat in this triple-A goliath than it ever was on Club Penguin. GTA Online is a fun sandbox that is continuously being ripped apart by a toxic set of players on a virtual power trip, and this can take the shape of mass-murdering servers for no reason, vendettas against a singular person with god-mode, broken weapons, and infinite ammo, or even sliding into the chat to spew some shit before dropping a player's IP and location saying, "I know where you live." The problem is real - it's not a blown-out-of-proportion-on-social-media scenario. In that gap, I had read a lot on Reddit, Twitter, and other forums about hackers grabbing players' IPs, doxxing them, or threatening them. We booted into heists, CEO deliveries, motorcycle club shenanigans, and some free-roaming fun. I promptly closed the game, uninstalled it, and said a profound, "Fuck that." But, jump ahead to 2021, and there I am getting back into it with the same buds I did when I first played it, this time with a new character - I'm not too sure where my old one went. Fine, I'll enable Passive Mode so that other players won't PvP me, hacker or otherwise. I was blown up - again, and again, and again, and again, in my own apartment.

I loaded into my apartment, a character I hadn't played in a good three years, and I was in the mood to do some races, maybe a heist, or just some free-roaming with my decent, not-great cars. To put it into perspective: a year ago, I decided to try and get back into GTA Online. In a few clicks, I found a menu for only $30 - it's that simple to get started, or you can jump into one of many hacker threads or Discord servers to slide them some money for a quick in-game buck.

#Gta 5 online pc hacking mod
GTA Online is notorious for its hacker problem, with mod menus readily available for the right price, lobbies filled to the brim with cheaters, and lackluster security that's a tad worrying, to say the least.